Sunday, January 21, 2007

Going digital

I've decided to make a full on frontal assault of digital coloring. I don't like color that much, I really don't fully understand it, and I find painting difficult and frustrating. But no more, I am determined to fully master photoshop and possibly painter. This is one section of a bigger piece that I have just started. Still early stages, but it's a start.


A tendency I have is to keep coming back to the same subject matter, including wolves, pirates, and fairy tales. One that started when I moved back to Michigan is an urbanized Wizard of Oz. (I know, I know, the Wiz did it first) But for free time doodles, I still find myself trying to update and improve the concept. Here's several drawings from throughout the years. I certainly can see the improvement over time, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Here's the most recent sketch I did with these characters, the Tin Man seems to be getting increasingly robotic, and less human.