Sunday, January 21, 2007

Going digital

I've decided to make a full on frontal assault of digital coloring. I don't like color that much, I really don't fully understand it, and I find painting difficult and frustrating. But no more, I am determined to fully master photoshop and possibly painter. This is one section of a bigger piece that I have just started. Still early stages, but it's a start.


Unknown said...

you did this digitally?! did you get a wacom tablet or was this with the mouse? I'm happy you're getting into've always had a better handle on it than you've given yourself credit for.

your biggest fan

MZGroves said...

I've had a wacom that I have totaly ignored and looked upon with disdain....but, as you said, the more I use it, the more it feels comfortable. But yeah, I drew this, scanned it in, then went to town on the tablet. I'm really cruising through this, it's a riff on the 3 pigs, should be done soon....